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Chapter 3884 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep11

  • Sharon's hand trembled a bit as she reached for the garage door entrance to her home, wary about her ability to appear anything other than what she was feeling—guilty. She knew that Jim was home as evidenced by his vehicle parked in the garage and she knew that there would be no hiding the fact that she was inebriated. What she was unsure of was how keenly Jim would be of the smell of sex and sweat on her and how nonchalantly she could head straight to the shower. Sharon turned the handle and inhaled sharply, half expecting Jim to be waiting on the other side of the door staring at her with his arms crossed.
  • When the door swung open, Sharon was greeted by a dark kitchen and no movement or sound. Sharon stepped into the house and took a moment to listen for any signs of Jim before closing the door quietly behind her. She breathed a sigh of relief as she marveled at the prospect of heading to the shower unimpeded. She placed her purse on the small table next to the door and headed upstairs, making a direct bee-line toward the master bathroom which extended off the bedroom.
  • As Sharon stepped into the bedroom a soft snoring drew her attention to the bed where Jim was fast asleep. Sharon smiled to herself at her good fortune and quietly collected her nightgown and clean panties and headed to the bathroom unnoticed. Stepping into the shower Sharon was finally able to conceive of a scenario where her infidelity would be concealed, and it gave her a moment to contemplate what that meant for her.
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